Weather, Revisited

March 3, 2009



When I first moved to New York, I was shocked at how frequently the weather was brought up in daily conversation. It didn’t matter if rain, snow, or even frogs were falling from the sky above; weather always seemed to be an “in-conversation.”

I didn’t get it. I considered weather-talk as the lowest common denominator of human interaction. I assumed that when you had nothing else to talk about, you resorted to weather. (“I think it’s supposed to snow next week,” “I blame this on global warming.” “I blame this on W. Bush.”)  

At the risk of resorting to sweeping generalizations, it seemed like everyone on this coast memorized the windchill factors and ten-day forecasts. Not because of an intellectual passion for climate science but this information was essential for all interpersonal functions.

I should note that I didn’t hold a disregard for weather in general. Just weather-talk. (I am an east-coast transplant. I am going to miserable during extreme weather cycles.) But instead of talking about humidity percentage, I figured my social interactions should be about more pressing topics such as Iraq, the economy, or  the evolution of my facial hair. That was the distinction between me and everyone else. Or so I thought

I subscribed to the “weather-conversation-is-fluff” school of thought from September 1, 2007 to March 2, 2009. The external circumstances concerning my conversion shouldn’t necessarily come as a surprise to anyone that pays attention to the weather, which as I assume is the vast majority of New York’s 8 million residents.  

Yesterday, I woke up to a blizzard and about a foot of snow on the day of a very important job-interview.  And today is not all that much better. (23 degrees. The sidewalks are icy and I have a fear of slipping.  Fuck.)  I have given up on my weather-as-conversation-doesn’t matter, it’s just filer approach.  

My disposition right now, for a lack of a better term, is icy. I am obsessively updating the google-weather tracker. I would love to go on bike-ride, or a walk, a run; anything for that matter that will expose me to some vitamin-D sunlight, but it’s not going to happen today. I’m wearing thermals from head-to-toe, hovering around a heater, covered in blankets.  And the WebMD Hypothermia page isn’t making me feel better about these circumstances. 

I am letting weather dictate my disposition and that can’t be healthy. I think I am ready to have a conversation about the weather.   I need to bond about this with someone. Anyone.


9 Responses to “Weather, Revisited”

  1. Arthur Says:

    I’ve been closing every one of my emails with a comment about the weather.
    It’s always the same sentence, because I just copy it and paste it. It’s this,
    “Stay warm out there. What a winter we’re having.”

    Since adopting this sentence as my closer, I’ve gotten three coffee dates (two with former reality t.v contestants {the bachelor} and one with Sting’s daughter), seventeen job offers (who said this economic climate was dire) and several millions of Nigerian dollars transferred to my bank of cayman account (my pin and ATM card are forthcoming).

    Life is what you make it. Why swim against the current? Why not bank all the riches waiting for those with the courage to take them? This economy would be in excellent shape if people stopped panicking about the economy and decided to start making money again. Look at me. I have more power, money and women that I know what to do with. Don’t you wish you had these problems?

    Talk about the weather. Listen to this:

  2. Josephius Says:

    Ever since man arrived on this planet, his climate, his zone, and the External have held much of his attention.

    Here it is gray. It will be blue. It sometimes turns black and white. It is my atmospheric mood ring.

    Blue skies, the marine layer, and Santa Ana winds beckon us all. Leaving our climates, we are subjected to change and challenge. King David’s Psalm 101 tells us “I am like the pelican in the desert. I am like the night owl among the ruins.” We leave the comfort of our blue skies for turbulent seas and icy plains. In submitting to the weather, giving our bodies and fates to the elemental forces, we transform and grow.

    When faced with unfavorable environmental conditions, some monera build endospores to protect themselves – perhaps it is more than just a shield or umbrella – a cocoon. Do you remember Sachsenhausen? What kind of endospore did we build there?

  3. Caroline Says:

    wind CHILL factors, no?!

  4. mbaumgarten Says:


  5. the weather’s warming up by the end of the week, starting tomorrow.

  6. spaweek Says:

    you’re such a hypochondriac. ‘x’ out of webmd.

  7. Pelele Says:

    I’m opening a restaurant in Astoria, Argentine Food.

  8. Boca Junior Says:

    You’d better not do that, Pelele. I’ll trash your place. There’s already an Argentinian restaurant in Queens: mine, Boca Junior.

    Weather was nice today.

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